We would LOVE you to get involved with us! Would you like to be part of our Grassroots Committee? Here are some of the objectives of the grassroots committee:
Identify and make partnerships with local clubs and summer camps to deliver our programs.
Determine and oversee partners that use our Rip N Ride Skill Progression Program.
Develop strategies for promoting Rip n Ride to coaches, clubs and schools.
Work with the Lake Ambassador Program to identify people in zones and public lakes to be ambassadors of WSWA.
Work with different grassroots programs such as Little Rippers, New Kids on the Water, Alberta Rippers, and others.
Support all Learn to Train opportunities.
Demonstrate clear pathways and athlete progression from early grassroots to Learn to Train and Learn to Compete.
Support the WSWA Indoor Water Ski Program.
Develop and maintain a grassroots recreation tour for water ski and wake.
Develop adult learn to ski, wakeboard, wakesurf opportunities.
If this sounds like a FUN opportunity for you to join WSWA, please complete the application here:
Any questions, please contact